Skin-to-skin care in the first hours and days of life profoundly impact a newborn’s quality of life and health status, yet can be difficult to achieve. Joeyband™ facilitates critical skin-to-skin contact to mimic the Deep Pressure Touch of the womb. Joeyband™ has been designed solely with this in mind.

About Joeyband
Joeyband™ is designed to support baby in a proper position during skin-to-skin contact and to prevent infant falls with a patented design that ensures quick and easy closure while delivering a snug fit every time.
Joeyband™ provides quality improvement in infant care and patient safety through increased Skin-to-Skin Care, Proper Positioning, and Fall Prevention. Joeyband™ offers peace of mind by preventing falls and suffocation/Sudden Unexpected Postnatal Collapse. Used by hospitals and families worldwide, the Joeyband™ is optimized for NICU, c-section, water-birth, and for use with twins and triplets.
Key Features
Early Skin-to-Skin Care: Skin to Skin Care (SSC) in the OR and/or LDR during the “Golden Hour” (first hour after birth) is important for infant bonding, health and development.
Increase SSC in the NICU: reduce length of stay and morbidity.
Keep Baby in Correct Position: helps prevent newborn falls and risk of suffocation.
Patient Satisfaction: SSC promotes bonding and enhances the patient experience.

Joeyband™ is not an infant carrier, it is designed for use only when sitting or lying down.